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Info about the park

Adventure par Leppis is a new adventure park found in 2016. The park is located in Leppävirta, in the immediate neighbourhood of spa-hotel Vesileppis and Vesileppis Areena, in eastern cliff side of Kalmanlahti.

Adventure park Leppis offers safe and memorable adventure experience for the whole family. There are eleven courses, ranging from very simple and easy routes suitable to youngest members of the family to more advanced and challenging sport routes.


- The minimum height required to go to routes is 130cm.


- Children less than 10 years old  can get to routes only with an adult. The adult has to be with the child on routes.

- Children aged 10-14 years old can go to routes by their own when an adult oversees them from the ground.

- Children aged 15-17  can go to routes independently without overseeing adult, but they need approval from their guardian and signed park rules form.


It's recommended to reserve 2-3 hours for the adventure!


It is recommended to wear appropriate clothes based on the weather. In summer, good footwear is sneakers or similar, sturdy shoes.

Going to toilet before wearing the harnesses. The harnesses cannot be taken off after the adventure has begun.

Smoking while wearing the harnesses is strictly forbidden.


Max weight as set by the standard is 120kg.


NOTE! If you have any of the following conditions, you cannot go to routes without approval from your doctor: epilepsy, cardio-vascular disease, vestibular system disorder, respiratory infection, back pain, pregnancy or if you have recently undergone a surgery.


If you feel that you are capable going to routes and you have approval from your doctor, please discuss this with the staff before going to routes.


© 2016 by Adventure Park Leppis.

Vokkolantie 1 C, 79100 Leppävirta, Finland

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